How database files are found and loaded

The database files could be loaded in two ways:

  1. Call lfDatabase::Load(const char *) to load single files. If the given path points to a folder instead of a file, all included XML files will be parsed. If the same object is defined in multiple files, or lfDatabase::Load(const char *) is called several times for different paths, later definitions override earlier definitions.
  2. Call lfDatabase::Load() with no parameters. This will try to load the database from several standardized locations. It also detects updated database versions which where downloaded with the lensfun-update-data tool. A user can override system-wide lens profiles by placing appropriately formatted XML files in its home directory. This method should be preferred if Lensfun is installed system-wide (typically only for Linux distributions with package managers).

Pre-defined database locations

Lensfun has four pre-defined database locations which are available from the following static class members:

  1. lfDatabase::SystemUpdatesLocation
  2. lfDatabase::SystemLocation
  3. lfDatabase::UserUpdatesLocation
  4. lfDatabase::UserLocation

When lfDatabase::Load() is called without arguments, it first searches in lfDatabase::SystemLocation, lfDatabase::SystemUpdatesLocation and lfDatabase::UserUpdatesLocation. Only the folder with the newest database will be loaded, finally. The age of the database is determined based on the timestamp.txt file found in the database folder. It contains the UNIX time stamp of the last Git commit, hence a higher number identifies a more recent database.

Afterwards, lfDatabase::UserLocation is loaded without considering a timestamp.txt. This means that profiles in lfDatabase::UserLocation will always have the highest priority and will overwrite previously loaded profiles with the same name.

Linux, UNIX and Mac OS X

The system-wide database folders can be configured at compile time and are preset by the GNUInstallDirs CMake Module.

lfDatabase::SystemLocation defaults to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/lensfun/version_x, where x denotes the database format version (Database format versions).
On Linux this is typically /usr/share/lensfun/version_1 or similar.

lfDatabase::SystemUpdatesLocation defaults to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LOCALSTATEDIR}/lib/lensfun-updates/version_x, where x denotes the database format version (Database format versions).
On Linux this is typically /var/lib/lensfun-updated/version_1 or similar.

The user folders are set at run time based on the current user name and home directory.

lfDatabase::UserLocation is at ~/.local/share/lensfun/updates/version_x, where x denotes the database format version (Database format versions).

lfDatabase::UserLocation is at ~/.local/share/lensfun.


As GNUInstallDirs CMake Module does not create any meaningful output on Windows systems, ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR} will be preset by the %ALLUSERSPROFILE% environment variable.

lfDatabase::SystemLocation defaults to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/Lensfun/version_x, where x denotes the database format version (Database format versions).
This is typically C:/ProgramData/lensfun/version_1 or similar.

lfDatabase::SystemUpdatesLocation defaults to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/Lensfun-updates/version_x, where x denotes the database format version (Database format versions).
This is typically C:/ProgramData/lensfun-updates/version_1 or similar.

The user folders are set at run time based on the current user name and home directory.

lfDatabase::UserLocation is at %USERSPROFILE%/AppData/Local/lensfun/updates/version_x, where x denotes the database format version (Database format versions).

lfDatabase::UserLocation is at %USERSPROFILE%/AppData/Local/lensfun.