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lfLensCalibFov Struct Reference

Struct to save calibrated field of view, which can depends on the focal length (DEPRECATED) More...

#include <lensfun.h>

Public Attributes

float Focal
float FieldOfView
 Field of view for given images. More...

Detailed Description

Struct to save calibrated field of view, which can depends on the focal length (DEPRECATED)

The Field of View (FOV) database entry is deprecated since lensfun version 0.3 and will be removed in future releases.

Member Data Documentation

◆ FieldOfView

float lfLensCalibFov::FieldOfView

Field of view for given images.

The Field of View (FOV) database entry is deprecated since lensfun version 0.3 and will be removed in future releases.

Especially for fisheye images the field of view calculated from the (EXIF) focal length differs slightly from the real field of view. The real field of view can be stored in this field

◆ Focal

float lfLensCalibFov::Focal

Focal length in mm at which this calibration data was taken

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: